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Connecting a data source
Jonas Østergård Bæk avatar
Written by Jonas Østergård Bæk
Updated over 6 months ago

In order to accomplish your goals in Alvie, it is essential to connect external data sources. This allows Alvie to obtain the necessary data for modelling, reporting, and other scenarios.

You can find a comprehensive list of data sources that can be connected to Alvie here.

To access the data sources section, simply select the 'Data sources' option from the left-hand menu:

You have the ability to perform various manipulations with data sources.

Connecting a new data source

Connecting a new data source is as easy as 1-2-3 when you want to do it:

To connect a new data source, follow these simple steps:

1. Navigate to the 'Data sources' menu item.

2. Click on the 'Connect new data source' button at the top of the page.

3. Select the desired data source from the list.

4. Grant access to the data source by providing your credentials or selecting them from a list if you have previously provided them.

5. Select the account specific to this data source.

6. Click the 'Connect accounts' button.

That's it! Now the data from the specific account within the data source can be utilized within Alvie.

Deleting a data source

It's important to remember that any data source can be utilized by other tools within Alvie if you have configured it accordingly. To ensure the smooth functioning of all your tools in Alvie, it is crucial to ensure that deleting a specific data source does not impact the tools, models, or results that you are using within Alvie.

Sometimes circumstances change, and you may no longer require a specific data source to be connected to Alvie. If this is the case, you can easily delete the data source:

To delete a data source, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the 'Data Sources' menu item.

  2. Locate the data source you wish to delete in the list of connected data sources.

  3. Click on the three dots next to the data source status in the 'Connection status' column.

  4. From the opened menu, select 'Delete this account':

  5. Follow the instructions provided in the opened popup.

Once completed, the selected data source will be successfully deleted.

Fixing issues with a data source connection

If you encounter any issues with a data source connection, you can follow these steps to resolve them and fix the connection problem.

When a data source is disconnected and is being used by other tools within Alvie, it can cause a specific tool to enter a paused state. Therefore, it is important to fix the disconnected data source in order to resolve this issue.

Sometimes, issues may arise, leading to a loss of access to a specific data source.

You can easily identify this by checking the status of the data source in the 'Connection status' column, where it will be displayed as 'Disconnected'.

Additionally, at the top of the page, a notification banner will inform you about the disconnected data sources, stating: 'Disconnected data sources: Some of your data sources have invalid credentials. Reconnect them.'

To fix a connection for a data source, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the 'Data Sources' menu item.

2. Identify the disconnected data source.

3. Click on the three dots next to the data source status in the 'Connection status' column.

4. Select 'Sign in to reconnect':

5. Provide the proper credentials and reconnect the required account.

6. Once the issue is resolved, the status will change from 'Disconnected' to 'Connected' for this data source.

By following these steps, you can successfully fix a connection issue for a data source.

Overview of all the connected data sources

You can easily view an overview of all connected data sources on a single page:

To access the overview page, simply navigate to the 'Data sources' menu item in the left-hand navigation.

On the overview page, you can perform several basic actions:

  1. View all your connected data sources along with their statuses. Each data source can have one of three statuses: 'Connected', 'Disconnected', or 'Error'. If you encounter any issues with the data source connection, refer to the instructions above on how to resolve them.

  2. Check which Credentials are being used for each specific data source.

  3. Filter the page by data source type or statuses using the filters located at the top of the page.

  4. Connect new data sources to expand your data collection capabilities.

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