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All CollectionsConnectorsErrors handling for connectors
Error 02: One or more connectors are still running
Error 02: One or more connectors are still running
Jonas Østergård Bæk avatar
Written by Jonas Østergård Bæk
Updated over 5 months ago

The 'Still running' error can occur in various services. For example, in Reporting solutions, one or more connectors might not have finished running when we attempt to generate a report. Similarly, for attribution models, both a connector and a Reporting solution could still be running when we try to execute the model.

Error: One or more Connectors are still running. Please wait until they finish running and try again.

How to resolve this error

If you encounter this error and observe that everything has finished running in the detailed status popup as shown:

Simply try rerunning the configuration, and the issue should be resolved.

If you encounter any further issues or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Alvie support team.

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