User-defined reports are custom reports where you, as the user, can select the dimensions and metrics you want to retrieve from Microsoft advertising reporting API.
When you select a user-defined report, you will see additional fields in the interface.
To build this type of report, you need to define the required dimensions, metrics, and report type yourself. Here is some guidance on how to do that.
1. How to define report type
When fetching data from Microsoft Advertising, you need to specify which 'Request' type (or simply report) you want to use to query your data. If you are familiar with SQL or other types of database systems, it is similar to specifying a table.
The report type you choose will define the available types of metrics and dimensions, as well as how those might be aggregated.
The full list of available reports for Microsoft Advertising is available here (everything that ends with 'Request' is a potential option).
Once you have selected the required report, simply enter its name in the 'Input report type' field. For example: AccountPerformanceReportRequest
2. How to define dimensions and metrics
To find all details about dimensions and metrics specific to the chosen report type, follow these steps:
1. When you select the required report here (everything that ends with 'Request' is a potential option), navigate to the specified report page.
For the example above, we have selected
report here. We can now navigate to the page specific for this report.
2. On this page, find the section related to Columns and click on the details about the array of available values (dimensions and metrics).
For the example above, this will be the resulting page.
Watch the explanatory video guide for examples provided above:
When you select the required dimensions and metrics, simply enter them in the corresponding fields: 'Input dimensions' and 'Input metrics'. For example: