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Bidding signals dashboard
Jonas Østergård Bæk avatar
Written by Jonas Østergård Bæk
Updated yesterday

Once you have published the tag and there is an active Bidding signals configuration, it’s time to validate that the events are coming through and being processed as expected.

Regularly checking the output is a good way to ensure that the values reaching the destination platforms are as expected.

The Bidding signals dashboard can answer questions such as:

  • What is the total number of events processed?

  • What type of event was sent and when?

  • Which items have the most mismatches?

  • etc.

Find more details below on how to work with a dashboard. Additionally, you can use manual data validation for specific targets.

How to use the Bidding signals dashboard

To access the dashboard, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the left-hand menu.

  2. Select Data and ReportingBidding Signals.

  3. On the Bidding signals overview page, choose the required configuration.

  4. Simply click on the card with the configuration name. Alternatively, you can select the ‘View dashboard’ item in the ‘More menu’.

You will now see the Bidding signals dashboard.

1. Events summary block

The events summary block at the top of the page provides an overview of:

  • Events: This represents the number of events received and transformed by Alvie with a valid payload. This can then be compared with their source of truth, whether it's Google Analytics 4 or e-commerce platform numbers. Bidding signals will attempt to send these events to all targets, but this number does not indicate whether the transmission was successful.

  • Adjusted values: The adjusted value can be compared to the revenue from the same platforms, providing an overview of how it aligns with revenue figures.

2. Events over time graph

This graph visualises how events were sent over the given period. Based on the information provided in the graph, you can observe fluctuations in event sending and use this information for further troubleshooting. Alternatively, you can determine that everything is working as expected.

3. Detailed events table

The detailed events table provides comprehensive information about events, allowing you to check their status and gain deeper insights into how they are processed.

From here, you can select which artefacts of the events to observe in the table using the 'Select events' dropdown:

You can also define which markets require observation in the table view. Simply select the required markets in the 'Select market' dropdown:

Additionally, you can search for a specific Transaction ID to check the status of the event:

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